French 10

French 10-3Y Course Description

Credits: 5

French 10-3Y is an entry-level French as a second language course for which no previous experience is required. As stated in the Alberta Program of Studies, the overarching goal is that “students can understand and express themselves in basic situations, provided the language they encounter is clear and based on familiar topics and structures, and can use the cultural and strategic knowledge they have gained to sustain their communication.” Since the social act of communicating is at the core of this program, students will strive towards the ultimate goal of being able to gather and share information, as well as interact authentically with others, through conversation and writing. To ensure clear and accurate communication, learning and applying the general rules of pronunciation, as well as key grammar concepts and frequently used language structures, will also be targeted objectives. Although attendance at weekly Google Meets is not mandatory, participation is strongly encouraged, as it will be valuable in accomplishing these communication goals.

Summary of Course Content and Activities

Unit 1:

Off to a Good Start

  • French Alphabet
  • Parts of Speech
  • Foundational Vocabulary

Unit 2: 

À l’école: Salut mes amis! (At School: Hello, Friends!)

  • La famille et les copains (Family & Friends)
  • Mon école (My School)
  • Dans la salle de classe (In the Classroom)
  • Mon horaire (My Schedule)

Unit 3: 

Dans ma communauté: Où j’habite (In My Community: Where I Live)

  • Les lieux et les bâtiments (Places & Buildings)
  • Les activités (Activities)
  • Les métiers (Occupations)
  • Les transports (Transportation)

Philosophy Statement:

Language is a system of human communication, which finds its source in God. It is also part of the creative process. God created through the spoken word and His creation of humanity is diverse in culture and language. As a result, language is essential to our understanding of, and our ability to communicate with, the Creator, other human beings and creation. It contributes to the development of community and the knowledge of more than one language allows us to expand the walls of our own community. Having an understanding of other cultures, along with the ability to communicate in another language, helps us to see beyond ourselves. It sends a message of acceptance and provides another tool for sharing God’s love with those around the world. 






4 - 6 hours/week



Students will be assessed on their ability to understand and communicate personal information, both orally and in writing, while applying their knowledge of culture and familiar language structures. Written assessments will include reading comprehension and written expression. Oral assessments will include listening comprehension and oral expression/interaction.


Weekly Assignments - 60%

Practice Tasks - 10%

Unit Assessments - 20%

Reflections - 10%