Grade 7-9 Options

Junior High Art

In Junior High Art, students are introduced to a wide range of art materials and experiences so they can experiment with confidence.  The course consists of  18 weeks and the recommended time for course completion is 75 hours.  On average, approximately 4 hours should be spent one each of the 18 weeks, although students may require more or less time to complete a lesson, depending on content and assignment requirements.  You will need to have access to some common supplies at home for this course such as pencil crayons, crayons, scissors, glue, construction paper etc.   

French 7

Course Description

French 7 is an entry-level French as a second language course for which no previous experience is required. Throughout the duration of this course, students will be challenged to tolerate ambiguity and take risks in both speaking and writing. Students will develop vocabulary across a variety of fields of experience for the purpose of exchanging basic personal information within the context of a conversation or through text. Instead of simply learning words in isolation, students will follow the models provided and use their knowledge of communication strategies and Francophone culture to understand and share information in a structured, yet authentic, manner. As such, a focus on learning and applying the general rules of pronunciation, as well as key grammar concepts and frequently used language structures, will also be key objectives. Although attendance at weekly Google Meets is not mandatory, participation is strongly encouraged, as it will be valuable in accomplishing these communication goals.

Summary of Course Content and Activities

Unit 1: Off to a Good Start

  • Introductory conversation
  • The Calendar
  • Weather

Unit 2: L’école (School)

  • School supplies & classroom furniture
    • Numbers
    • Colours
    • Prepositions

Unit 3: Qui suis-je? (Who am I?)

  • Physical description
  • Personality traits
  • Personal Preferences
  • My family

Philosophy Statement:

Language is a system of human communication, which finds its source in God. It is also part of the creative process. God created through the spoken word and His creation of humanity is diverse in culture and language. As a result, language is essential to our understanding of, and our ability to communicate with, the Creator, other human beings and creation. It contributes to the development of community and the knowledge of more than one language allows us to expand the walls of our own community. Having an understanding of other cultures, along with the ability to communicate in another language, helps us to see beyond ourselves. It sends a message of acceptance and provides another tool for sharing God’s love with those around the world. 






4 - 5 hours/week


Students will be assessed on their ability to understand and share personal information, both orally and in writing, while applying their knowledge of culture and familiar language structures. Written assessments will include reading comprehension and written expression. Oral assessments will include listening comprehension and oral expression/interactions.

Weekly Assignments - 70%

Unit Assessments - 20%

Reflections - 10%

Introduction to Coding

Summary of course content and activities:

In Intro to Coding, students will explore block-based programming code as well as program with Scratch.  Coding allows students to use their creativity and problem-solving skills. Students will program a virtual robot. This class will take 2-3 hours a week. No coding experience is needed but this class is also good for those with some previous coding experience.  If you have more coding experience look at Intermediate Coding.

Intermediate Coding

Summary of course content and activities:

In Intermediate  Coding, students will explore block-based programming, Java and Binary coding.  We will look at the link between computer science and coding. This class encourages students to use their creativity and problem-solving skills. This class will take 2-3 hours a week. Some coding experience is needed to take this class.

Junior High Foods

Summary of course content and activities:

In this Foods course, students will explore basic food and kitchen safety, Canada's Food Guide, making nutritious snacks, planning meals and cooking basic meals. Students will learn some baking skills and develop a heritage food meal. They will be expected to complete several assignments and assessments as well as two projects.  No previous cooking or baking skills are required.

For all of the baking and cooking projects, there is an outline as to what is expected and how it will be graded.  Students complete the activity and then create a powerpoint with photos and explanations of how they completed it.  Students also complete a reflection sheet on the activity. There is one parent evaluation that needs to be completed by the parent/supervisor during the course as well.

Learning with Minecraft

Summary of course content and activities:

Learning with Minecraft is a 12 lesson option course that will take a minimum of 2 hours per week. Students who enjoy playing the game will want to spend more time building, however! Students will use Minecraft to recreate scenes from poetry or books, create models in Minecraft to represent actual buildings like the Eiffel Tower, they will also learn to take screenshots and screen videos. One of the assignments is showing the parents the Minecraft world they create and explaining why Minecraft is a great way to learn. There are more challenges that students will have and badges that they can earn.

Junior High Music

Summary of course content and activities:

In Music, students will start with setting a baseline of musical ability.  During the semester, they will be completing practice logs and sending in video performances. They will also learn to complete musical critiques and do some research on a musical instrument and career.  They will be submitting samples of their theory learning and evidence of music appreciation.  In order to be successful in this course, students should already be or plan to be involved in some type of regular music lessons. 

Junior High Outdoor Education

Summary of course content and activities:

In Outdoor Education, students will explore outdoor safety, proper outdoor clothing, fire building and safety, bear safety, shelter building, identifying animal tracks, ORV safety and environmental stewardship. They will be required to do some research and create some projects.  They will also need to have opportunities to try new outdoor activities and plan and execute a day trip such as a hike or canoe trip.  No previous outdoor experience is required.

Tech Tools

Summary of course content and activities:

10+ Tools Every Student Needs will cover the following:

  • Digital Citizenship: Appropriately using digital technology like cell phones, computers, and websites.
  • Screen Captures: How to use screen capture software on your computer.
  • Tools for bibliography/citation creation.
  • Canva
  • Google slides.
  • Web page design.
  • Meme-making: So much fun!
  • Making comic strips.
  • Making timelines.
  • Study tools: Things like how to build a jeopardy game.
  • AI

This is a 12-week course and will require about 2-3 hours per week.

School Notice

Registration is Open for 2025-2026 School Year

Teacher Directed Programs
* Online
* Print-Based Resource (PBR)

Parent Directed Program

Shared Responsibility Program
