two students in nature NorthStar Academy


Grades Taught



NorthStar Academy is an alternate status, Kindergarten to Grade 12 school within the Golden Hills School Division. Established in 2001, NorthStar Academy has a history of excellent Evangelical Christian education. Currently home to 1500 students, NorthStar Academy offers a dynamic learning environment with multiple program options. This allows students and their families to choose a program specifically designed to meet their individual educational goals. Our Biblically integrated online, and print-based programs are teacher-directed and written to meet the Alberta Learning outcomes. While our home education and shared-responsibility programs provides parents greater opportunities to support their student’s unique learning needs. As shared in our Vision and Mission Statements below, at NorthStar Academy we have a passion to see our students develop a Biblical worldview and become skilled servants of Jesus Christ. We are particularly invested in guiding students in developing a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that they make Him the Lord of all their life and learning, and that they develop the skills to be able to maximize their impact for Jesus Christ in this world.


NorthStar Academy envisions a Christ-centred, responsive learning community where all students are equipped for life-long kingdom impact.


To accomplish this vision, NorthStar Academy partners with students, families, and their local communities to provide innovative, and meaningful learning opportunities equipping students to become compassionate communicators and creative contributors empowered by Christ.

Education Plan

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Community of Learners, Connected in Christ