Art 6



Philosophy statement for and/or behind teaching this course:

God is an artist! He has created this incredibly beautiful and intricate world around us.  Each piece is perfect.  We are his masterpiece.

We are also created in God's image.  Just as God creates, each of us reflects that creativity in our own way. 

Our goal in Art 6 is to learn about combining imagination and intuition  with art techniques, skills & processes to facilitate the creative expression of ideas & emotions.  We may not all be Rembrandts, but we can display our own creativity and reflect this part of God's image.

Course Outcomes

  • Reflect on forms and on student work
  • Consider interpretation
  • Modify forms and proportions
  • Refine methods and techniques for image making
  • Consider how changes create effects in art or influence mood
  • Develop craftsmanship
  • Use different media and techniques

Materials and resources provided by the student:  

This will vary depending on the project chosen.  There is a great deal of flexibility offered.

Forecasted amount of time required:

There are 8 assignments to be completed over the course of the year.  2-3 should be done each term.  The time required is flexible and depends on the student.

Description of student evaluation:

Assignments will be assessed as:

Excellent (in-depth, insightful, or exemplary skill)

Proficient (having met the outcomes of the assignment and demonstrating a strong understanding of the concepts and skills)

Satisfactory (demonstrating basic knowledge or having shown some effort to meet the outcomes of the assignment) 

Beginning (incomplete understanding of the concepts and skills required for this outcome)

Language Arts 6

Summary of course content and activities:

Language Arts 6 includes five units with spelling, vocabulary, creative writing, and grammar activities throughout. The themes are:

  • The Adventures of Robin Hood (Roger Lancelyn Green’s version) 
  • Uncovering the Past
  • Student’s choice movie or novel mini-project
  • Ecology
  • Incident at Hawk’s Hill
  • Poetry

Philosophy statement for and/or behind teaching this course:

Communication is an amazing gift from God. Whether we write, email, speak through words, Braille or ASL, listen or read, we are communicating with other people or with God. In Language Arts, we develop an appreciation for literature and the ability to look critically at what we read.  We also develop our communication skills- both oral and written.


Language Arts 5 or equivalent

Materials and resources provided by NSA:

  • Open Court Reading, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Incident at Hawk’s Hill, ACSI Spelling Plus Workbook,  Language Power workbook

Materials provided by student:

One novel or movie (school and family appropriate) that has been read or viewed in the past 6 months.

Major course goals:

  • Students will read two or three novels.  Two are assigned; the third project is a choice and may be a movie instead.
  • Students will read a variety of short stories and poems.
  • Students will complete a variety of writing activities, including a research project.
  • Students will work on a group of twenty spelling words each week.
  • Students will complete a variety of grammar activities to learn about the forms and structures of language.

Forecasted amount of time required to complete each week’s

Students should spend approximately 8 hrs per week for language lessons and activities.

Students will be assessed as:

Excellent (in-depth, insightful, or exemplary skill)

Proficient (having met the outcomes of the assignment and demonstrating a strong understanding of the concepts and skills)

Satisfactory (demonstrating basic knowledge or having shown some effort to meet the outcomes of the assignment) 

Beginning (incomplete understanding of the concepts and skills required for this outcome)

Math 6

Summary of course content and activities:

Math 6 is designed as a 4-day/week course that takes into account the new Alberta Program of Studies learning outcomes.  Students work through daily lessons—reading through the lesson material and/or watching teacher-created Loom videos to help the students understand the day’s mathematical concept(s).  Students are provided with in-lesson formative assignments, group discussion questions where students show other students what they learned in the lessons, as well as assignments that need to be handed in for grading.  Students will continue with creating Math Stories, which they learned in Online Math 5, having the opportunity to explain what they know.  For those who are new to Math Stories this year, there will be teaching lessons on how to accomplish this task.  Review assignments are provided occasionally.  All unit exams and the final exam will be completed in Moodle.

Philosophy Statement

Math 6 includes the study of the principles of mathematics.  Through the study of math, learners are given an opportunity to explore and understand the orderly and systematic world that God created.  They will become aware of the profound influence of math in their lives.  Relating the study of math to what the learners already know will help them see the practical side of mathematics and its relevance in daily situations.  Students learn math in relevant contexts and engage in meaningful activities.  They are encouraged to appreciate mathematics as an endeavour that leads to practical impact on their own lives and on society as a whole.


Math 5.


Required technical materials are listed on NorthStar’s “At-Home Learning and Technology Requirements” webpage.

Forecasted Amount of Time:

5-7 hours per week.

Description of student evaluations, quizzes, and tests:

Students will be assigned specific tasks over the course of the year, including daily assignments, Math Stories, review assignments, unit exams, and a final exam.  For each task, elementary students are graded on achievement indicators—Excellent, Proficient, Satisfactory, Beginning—rather than percentages.  For report cards, they are based on how well students achieve certain mathematical outcomes, based on the indicators students received on their tasks.

Science 6

Summary of course content and activities:

Science 6 includes seven Organizing Ideas from the Alberta Progam of Study to explore and build our understanding of the world.

  1. Matter
  2. Energy
  3. Earth Systems
  4. Living Systems
  5. Space
  6. Computer Science
  7. Scientific Methods

Philosophy statement for and/or behind teaching this course:

It is important for students to learn about and develop an appreciation for the world that God has created. This encourages students to become good stewards of natural resources and provides them with an understanding of Godâs awesome design in the world. To accommodate a variety of learning styles, a variety of activities are provided, including opportunities for students to do hands-on activities and experiments.


Science 5

Materials and resources provided by NSA, purchased by student, and/or recommended:

None; all Learners will require a computer with internet access to various websites and a variety of household items for activities.

Forecasted amount of time required to complete each week's lesson:

Students should spend a minimum of 3 hrs per week on science lessons and activities.

Description of student evaluations, quizzes, and tests:

Students are required to submit a variety of assignments for marking. These include research projects, experiment write-ups, crossword puzzles, unit tests, etc.

Social Studies 6

Summary of Course Content and Activities

Democracy: Action and Participation

  • Historical Models of Democracy: Ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy
  • Citizens Participating in Decision Making

Grade 6 Social Studies students will examine historical models of democracy by studying the ancient Athens society as well as the Iroquois Confederacy. They will learn about current municipal and provincial governments and will recognize the unique role that each play. They will also be challenged to recognize the importance of active and responsible participation as the foundation of a democratic society. A Biblical worldview will be reinforced with each concept.

Philosophy statement for teaching this course

Grade 6 students will learn how the importance of active and responsible participation as the foundation of a democratic society.


Students taking Social Studies 6 are presumed to have reached the acceptable standard or better in Social Studies 5.

Materials and Resources

Provided by NSA

  • Textbook Taking Part in Our Democracy

Forecasted amount of time required to complete each week's lesson

The Social Studies 6 program will require approximately 45-60 minutes of work each day, which includes reading and assignment work. The weeks are divided into 4 days of work

Description of student evaluations, quizzes, and tests.

Course evaluation will be 70% daily assignments, and 30% tests and quizzes. Daily assignments will include comprehension questions, critical thinking questions, mapping, projects, research, group discussions, charting/graphing, and more. Tests will be completed using the on-line ExamView test format.

Bible 6

Summary of Course Content and Activities:

Students will engage in a fun and exciting Bible study as they work their way through the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis (from Creation to Noah’s flood).

Philosophy Statement:

In order to have a correct understanding of the biblical Gospel message, students need to know and understand that the book of Genesis is not a fairy tale, but that it is actual history.  God wants us to know what He did and what happened.  By understanding what occurred at the beginning of history (Genesis 1:1), students will be able to see that God created everything perfectly (Genesis 1-2), that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience (Genesis 3), but that God provided a Messiah to save people from their sins (Genesis 3:15).  The story of redemption is seen in Noah’s flood.


Online Bible 5 is preferred but is not required.


Required technical materials are listed on NorthStar’s “At-Home Learning and Technology Requirements” webpage.

Forecasted Amount of Time:

2-3 hours per week.


Every two weeks, students are required to submit scans of the work that they complete in their consumable books.  They also need to complete Memory Work every two weeks, as well.

For each task, elementary students are graded on achievement indicators—Excellent, Proficient, Satisfactory, Beginning—rather than percentages.  There are 3 reporting periods throughout the year.  Elementary students’ report card marks are based on the indicators that they achieve on their tasks.

Music 6



Philosophy statement for and/or behind teaching this course:

Music is an amazing gift from God to us. Scripture reminds us to: Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to each other; sing to the Lord and make music in your heart to him. Ephesians 5:19 

Come with whatever musical knowledge and ability you have and continue to grow in your knowledge and ability.

Course Outcomes

  • Explore rhythms, melodies and harmony
  • Explore major and minor scales
  • Explore structural forms of music
  • Express musicality through singing, playing instruments and movement

Materials and resources provided: 

  • God Made Music 6 is provided by NSA.
  • There are additional supplementary materials (printables or weblinks)  on the Moodle page and are adaptable depending on the student’s abilities and needs.

Forecasted amount of time required:

There are 8 assignments to be completed over the course of the year.  2-3 should be done each term.  The time required is flexible and depends on the student.

Description of student evaluation:

Assignments will be assessed as:

Excellent (in-depth, insightful, or exemplary skill)

Proficient (having met the outcomes of the assignment and demonstrating a strong understanding of the concepts and skills)

Satisfactory (demonstrating basic knowledge or having shown some effort to meet the outcomes of the assignment) 

Beginning (incomplete understanding of the concepts and skills required for this outcome)

Physical Education & Wellness 6 (PEW 6)

Summary of Course Content and Activities:

Physical Education and Wellness 6 (or PEW 6) is based on the new Alberta curriculum (2022).  PEW supports a strength-based focus that promotes the development of the whole individual and aims to nurture students in their pursuit of living healthy and active lifestyles.  Physical education improves the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.  As students become physically literate, they develop the motivation, confidence, physical competence, and knowledge to value and take on the responsibility for engaging in a wide range of physical activities.  Wellness education promotes the vitality of individuals and communities and provides students with opportunities to learn about various aspects of health and wellbeing and to make informed decisions.  As students grow and develop, they access, comprehend, evaluate, communicate, and apply health and wellness-related information as a means of promoting, maintaining, and improving wellbeing in a variety of settings throughout their lifetimes.  Students who understand the importance of their wellbeing can make healthy living choices because they have developed essential knowledge and skills.

There are 9 units of study: Active Living and Motivation; Movement Skills Development; Developing Character; Personal Safety; Healthy Eating; Healthy Relationships; Decision Making (opt-in); Human Reproduction (opt-in); and Financial Literacy.  There are also monthly physical activity logs to complete.

Please note that the Decision Making and Human Reproduction units are “opt-in” units of study and require parental approval before a student is allowed to take part in them.  Parents will be provided with information regarding these units and how to opt-in at the beginning of course.

On top of Alberta Education’s goals and outcomes, this course is designed to help students develop a godly understanding of who they are, from a biblical perspective, and to also learn how to take care of their bodies in a healthy manner, through eating well and daily physical activity.  Health and life skills involve learning about the habits, behaviours, interactions, and decisions related to healthy daily living and planning for the future.

There is an assignment at the end of each unit of study that relates back to the information taught in the lesson.  Also, there are formative assessments placed throughout the lessons, such as Group Discussions and Table Talks and Case Studies, that students think through to develop their understanding of the course material and have parents actively work with them to provide their practical input based on their own personal experiences.

Philosophy Statement:

God has created each person as unique individuals, with different bodies, minds, interests, personalities, families, etc.  Thankfully, we can be assured that God spent time thinking about and planning every part of us.  Psalm 139:13-16 says:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”

Learning to eat healthy foods, in moderation, along with daily physical activity, helps our bodies to be the best that they can be in order to serve the Lord.  Additionally, knowing what to think and how to think, through a proper grasp of who we are in relation to the God of the universe, helps us to organize our thought-life in a way that supports a biblical worldview.  This, then, benefits us as we learn to live and think rightly in a world that wants to pull us away from God.


It is highly recommended that students take PEW 5, but it is not required.


Required technical materials are listed on NorthStar’s “At-Home Learning and Technology Requirements” webpage.

Forecasted Amount of Time:

At least 20 minutes/day for PE activity and 10 minutes/day for Wellness assignments.


Unit Assignments (Wellness) and Monthly Activity Logs (PE).

Students will be assigned specific tasks over the course of the year.  For each task, elementary students are graded on achievement indicators—Excellent, Proficient, Satisfactory, Beginning—rather than percentages.  For report cards, they are based on how well students achieve certain Physical Education or Wellness outcomes, based on the indicators students received on their tasks.

School Notice

Registration is Open for 2025-2026 School Year

Teacher Directed Programs
* Online
* Print-Based Resource (PBR)

Parent Directed Program

Shared Responsibility Program
