Foods 10

Availability: Semester 1, Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Introductory
Prerequisites: None

Materials & Resources:

Families must purchase recipe ingredients and have basic cooking and baking supplies. Students are given the freedom to choose which recipe they would like to use for each of the lab requirements. Photos of lab work will be required.

Course Description & Modules:

Food Basics 1010

This module is the prerequisite for all other Foods Modules. Students learn safe and sanitary food handling procedures, equipment care, comprehension of recipes and the importance of efficient work habits. This is a theory based module.

Contemporary Baking 1020

Students develop and demonstrate an understanding of traditional and contemporary baking focusing on basic measuring techniques, preparation methods, role of ingredients and the proper use of equipment for baked goods. This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include: cakes, cookies, scones, muffins, cultural baking of choice.

Snacks & Appetizers 1030

Students apply the importance of snacks and appetizers related to lifestyle, by making nutritious, as well as delicious, snacks and appetizers.  This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include preparing a smoothie, a favourite, and three other snacks or appies (grain based, meat based, fruit or veggie based).

Meal Planning 1040

Students develop an understanding of planning, preparation and evaluation of balanced healthy meals. This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include: breakfast, lunch & dinner.

Canadian Heritage 1060

Students become aware of how food in Canada today reflects the country’s history and origins by examining food patterns and customs, and by analyzing and preparing ethnic foods. This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include: Bannock, an Indigenous themed meal, and a region of Canada meal.

Optional 6th Credit - FOD 1910 Project A

Students design a foods lab project that connects a minimum of two Foods 10 modules that you have completed.

Forecasted amount of time to complete a week’s lessons:

2-3 hours

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests:

Each Module has its own assignment weighting, which is identified in Moodle.

Foods 20

Availability: Semester 1, Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Foods 10

Materials & Resources:

Families must purchase recipe ingredients and have basic cooking and baking supplies. Students are given the freedom to choose which recipe they would like to use for each of the lab requirements. Photos of lab work will be required.

Course Description:

Cake & Pastry 2040

Students expand their knowledge and skills in the production of a variety of cake and pastry products. This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include: 5 different types of cakes and pastries.

Soups & Sauces 2070

Students combine stocks with various thickening agents to produce hearty soups and sauces. This module has both theory and lab work. Labs include: 2 soups, and 2 sauces.

Milk & Eggs 2060

Students develop skills in using milk products and eggs by examining how to retain nutritional value and quality through a variety of preparation and presentation methods.  This module has both theory and lab work. Some of the labs for this module overlap with others and may also include macaroni and cheese, breaded chicken strips, and omelette.

Bread Products 2050:

Students describe the role of ingredients and use specialized skills in working with bread products. This module has both theory and lab work. There are 4 labs including recipes like pancakes, yeast bread, sweet rolls and may overlap with labs from Foods 20A.  This module has both theory and lab work.

Basic Meat 2100: 

Students learn the nutritional value of meat and differentiate among the various cuts of meat. Students apply this knowledge to the safe handling, storage, preparation and presentation of meat dishes. This module has both theory and lab work. The 5 labs include recipes that can overlap with other modules including preparing stew, hamburgers, kabobs and spaghetti & meatballs.

Optional 6th Credit - FOD 2910 Project B

Students design a foods lab project that connects a minimum of two Foods 20 modules that you have completed.

Optional 7th Credit - FOD Project C

Students design a foods lab project that connects a minimum of two Foods 20 modules that you have completed. To get credit for both Project B & C, the projects must combine different modules.

Forecasted amount of time to complete a week’s lessons:

2-3 hours

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests:

Each Module has its own assignment weighting, which is identified in Moodle.

Foods 30 A

Availability: Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Advanced
Prerequisites: Foods 10 & Foods 20

Materials & Resources:

Families must purchase recipe ingredients and have basic cooking and baking supplies. Students are given the freedom to choose which recipe they would like to use for each of the lab requirements. Photos of lab work will be required.

Course Description & Modules:

Advanced Soups & Sauces 3050:

Students learn the techniques and ingredients of classic cuisine through the preparation of traditional soups and sauces and by adapting them for the trend toward lighter eating and nouveau cuisine. This module has both theory and lab work. Students will prepare 3 soups and 2 sauces some labs may overlap with other modules.

Regional Cuisine 3140:

Students explore, in depth, the cuisine of a region in order to appreciate the richness of its history and culture. They discover its foods, learn about food customs, experience traditional cooking methods, and adapt local produce to create regional recipes. Students will present research on a local regions food patterns and prepare a meal from that region.

Creative Baking 3030:

Students learn about specialty cakes and pastry products by selecting and creating specialty cakes, pastries, desserts and a major baked project. This module has both theory and lab work. Students will prepare one major advanced baking project such as a wedding, birthday cake or gingerbread house.

Food Presentation 3060:

Students develop creativity and flair while learning the techniques of tempting and artistic food presentation. This module will be completed alongside the creative baking module.

Nutrition & Digestion 3020:

Students learn about nutrition and how the body processes food by appraising current nutritional theories/issues and dietary needs. This module has both theory and 1 lab where students will prepare a meal with specific dietary restrictions.

FOD 3910 Project D

Students design a foods lab project that connects a minimum of two Foods 30A modules that you have completed.

Forecasted amount of time to complete a week’s lessons:

2-3 hours

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests:

Each Module has its own assignment weighting, which is identified in Moodle.

Foods 30 B

Availability: Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Advanced
Prerequisites: Foods 10 & Foods 20

Materials & Resources:

Families must purchase recipe ingredients and have basic cooking and baking supplies. Students are given the freedom to choose which recipe they would like to use for each of the lab requirements. Photos of lab work will be required.

Course Description:

Food For Life Stages 3010: 

Students describe how food and nutrition needs change over various life stages, and demonstrate how to meet the challenges of each stage and the adapting of foods to satisfy all ages. This module contains both theory and 2 lab components preparing meals for different stages of life.

Yeast Products 3040: 

Students further their skills in the handling of yeast dough through the preparation of a variety of yeast products. This module has both theory and 5 labs that may compliment other modules. Students will prepare an advanced sweet doughs; e.g., braids and/or rings, complex breads and rolls; e.g., brioche, clover leaf, fans, whole grain/multigrain/specialty grain; e.g., whole wheat, rye, rolled-in doughs/deep-fried yeast products; e.g., Danishes/croissants, doughnuts and an ethnic bread.

Entertaining with Food 3100:

Students plan and prepare food for an event and develop organizational skills that may be used in the hospitality industry, at home or in entrepreneurial endeavors. This module contains both theory and the planning of one entertainment event.

Advanced Meat Cookery 3080:

Students develop further awareness of the different types of meats available and of meat cookery through the preparation of a variety of meat dishes. This module contains both theory and lab components preparing meat in various ways such as: roasted, broiled, and stewed.

Short-Order Cooking 3070:

Students develop knowledge and skills in the principles and preparation underlying short-order cookery. This module contains both theory and lab components preparing food by barbecuing, steaming, grilling, microwaving, baking/roasting, frying, deep-frying or toasting.

FOD 3920 Project E

Students design a foods lab project that connects a minimum of two Foods 30B modules that you have completed.

Forecasted amount of time to complete a week’s lessons:

2-3 hours

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests:

Each Module has its own assignment weighting, which is identified in Moodle.